This is two part post. Please see part one.

Setup the Lambda Function

In the last AWS post, we created a Lambda Function that could add an entry to a DynamoDB table.

This time we will connect that Lambda Function with API Gateway. For details on how to create a function, please see the previous post.

First, I’ll change the Lambda Function to accept incoming parameters in the event and use uniqid to create a new id for each new animal. This is what the Lambda Function we use will look like. (./animal.js will be the same as in my previous blog post.)

// index.js
const AnimalModel = require("./animal.js");
const uniqid = require("uniqid");

const handler = async (event) => {
  const animal = new AnimalModel({
    id: uniqid(),
    species: event.species

  const resp = await;
  const response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify("Hello from " + + " the " + resp.species),
  return response;

module.exports = { handler };

After making the changes, we will need to update our node_modules and upload a new zip file of our project to the cloud.

$ npm i uniqid

$ rm
$ zip -r . -x
$ aws lambda update-function-code --function-name addToCityZoo --zip-file fileb://

Note that the Lambda Function takes a payload. Now we can test the function with a payload.

$ aws lambda invoke \
    --function-name addToCityZoo \
    --payload '{"name": "Gary", "species": "crocodile"}' \
    --invocation-type RequestResponse \
    --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \

The return value should look like this, and there should be a new entry in your DynamoDB table.

{"statusCode":200,"body":"\"Hello from Billy the crocodile\""}

Once this works, we can set up the API Gateway for our Lambda Function.

Setting up the API Gateway

We will go to the AWS Console to set up the API Gateway. I’ll show screenshots of how to do this.

Build a REST API

First, navigate to API Gateway and scroll down to find “Build REST API”

screenshot of Build REST API Build Rest API

Create API

Finish creating the REST API and name it.

screenshot of Create API Create API

Create a Resource

Create a resource. We will call it animals to hold animals for our zoo.

Use the Actions Menu Button to Create Resource.

screenshot of Create Resource Menu Button Action Menu

Then finish creating the resource.

screenshot of Create Resource Create Resource


To create a METHOD for the resource, click on the animals resource, then click on Actions again and select Create Method.

screenshot of Create Method Action Create Method

Then select POST and click the checkmark so we can make a POST resource.

screenshot of Create Method POST Create Method

Integrate the Lambda Function with the REST API.

We can select the action to be taken when the POST method is called in our REST function. Choose Lambda Function and type the name of our Lambda Function (which is addToCityZoo).

screenshot of Integrate Lambda Function Integrate Lambda Function

Test the Lambda Function

Now we can test it from the console. Click on Test. Then…

screenshot of Test the Integrated Lambda Function Test integrated Lambda Function

Scroll down and add your POST data. We will use:

{"name": "Sam", "species": "bear"}

screenshot of Post Data for the Integrated Lambda Function POST data for integrated Lambda Function

It should give you a result like:

{"statusCode":200,"body":"\"Hello from  Sam the bear\""}

Deploy the URI

Now go back the the Action menu button and click on Deploy. We can create a deploy called testing.

screenshot of deploy API Deploy API

It will give you a deploy URI.

screenshot of deploy API Deploy URI

Now you can access the lambda function from the Internet. We could use the URI from the above screen and curl to access the Lambda Function. Be sure to add our resource’s name animals to the URI. For example:

curl -X POST -d '{"name": "Danny", "species": "bear"}'

And we will get this in response:

{"statusCode":200,"body":"\"Hello from Danny the bear\""}

So now we have a the Create/POST method of a REST API for animals

There is a GitHub repo to accompany this post here. For this post, take a look at the branch api-gateway.